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Mensajes: 15240
Registrado: Lun Feb 16, 2009 5:55 pm

Mensaje por arya »

Si me queréis dar todos los premios a mi, os digo mi pseudónimo es +*+*+. :lol:
"¿Qué es lo que desprecias? Por ello serás conocido." - Muad'Dib
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Mi foro y yo
Mi foro y yo
Mensajes: 5484
Registrado: Mar Ene 06, 2009 8:28 am
Ubicación: VIGO

Mensaje por torete »

vamos a ver, es que creo que lo estais viendo como una "champions", y yo lo veo como un concurso entre colegas. que ás da el que gane? yo el mío, lo intenté hacer lo mejor que supe( como creo que todos) y ya gané.
está claro que ganará un escritor que haberlos hailos

Mensaje por invitada »

Mira, a mi me da exactamente igual, yo se que no voy a ganar, pero si se hace algo prefiero hacerlo bien y que todo el mundo, sean escritores o barrenderos, tenga oportunidad, aunque sea entre colegas. No vamos a dar 500 euros a quien gane, así que que más da que gane uno o tres? Al contrario, creo que contra más premios hay más ameno es.

Que no se malinterprete, no quiero pelearme con nadie por esta tonteria, supongo que lo sabeis... ;)
Última edición por invitada el Vie Mar 20, 2009 10:17 pm, editado 2 veces en total.

Mensaje por invitada »

Bueno, a ver si alguien decide algo. Creo que lo más justo es que decida loonabel, no? ;)
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Mi foro y yo
Mi foro y yo
Mensajes: 5484
Registrado: Mar Ene 06, 2009 8:28 am
Ubicación: VIGO

Mensaje por torete »

debes decidir tú jaguar, eres la que lo abrió.
estamos hablando :kiss:
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Dios del foro
Dios del foro
Mensajes: 26372
Registrado: Vie May 30, 2008 8:16 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Monte »

Si os sirve mi opinión imparcial, como no-participante en el concurso, yo creo que la mejor opción es un único concurso con varios premios.
"Si a tu perro no le gusta una persona, probablemente a ti tampoco debería gustarte."
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Dios del foro
Dios del foro
Mensajes: 15650
Registrado: Dom Ene 27, 2008 8:13 pm

Mensaje por Rowan »

Yo estoy con como en los concursos para perros sin raza: premio al mas orejudo, al mas gracioso, al mejos arreglado...asi gana mas gente y se anima la cosa. :wink:
¿Cuantos angeles caben en la punta de un alfiler?
Todos los que existen en el universo.
¿Cuantos angeles caben en tu corazon?
Todos los que tu dejes entrar.
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Dios del foro
Dios del foro
Mensajes: 37685
Registrado: Lun Ago 25, 2008 1:41 pm
Ubicación: Girona

Mensaje por Gigi »

Pues claro que si !!! Demos varios premios !!!! total, si lo hacemos para divertirnos, no?

Y yo que pensaba que iba a ganar un coche o un viaje . . .
Él es tu amigo, tu compañero, tu defensor, tu perro. Tú eres su vida, su amor, su líder. Él será tuyo siempre, fiel y sincero, hasta el último latido de su corazón. A él le debes ser merecedor de tal devoción
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Llevo unos días por aquí
Llevo unos días por aquí
Mensajes: 42
Registrado: Sab Mar 14, 2009 10:28 pm
Ubicación: Murcia

Mensaje por Ruips »

Yo escribí hace poco un relato corto para la Escuela de Idiomas, a todo el mundo le gusto, así que os lo dejo quizás os de ideas. Evidentemente está en Inglés, así que sí tenéis dudas, preguntad. Espero que os guste.


Please allow me to introduce myself… well since you are going to die, there is no need for that… BUM!
I was smoking a cigarette, looping at the relaxing sea; don’t think wrong about me, I am a hired killer but also a very sensitive human being… I like doing more or less the same things people of my age like but… its just I like killing to, so I do it for money. I was absorbed in the beautiful sight before me when suddenly my phone rang, it was my jobs phone and that made me feel excited; I took the phone and answered.
The dolphins are swimming in the sky- I said
The turtles can’t wait to get that high- He answered; it was my secret code, just to check everything was alright.
Charly here, next target will be a politician, get ready to fly this night to Bombay, further info will be send to your hotel room by tomorrow, good luck- and he hung up on me
It was ok, the longer was the talk, the riskier it took. Charly was a good person, at least from my point of view, he was something like a manager to me, he seeks me jobs but he also worries about me and he tries I don’t get harm in anyway.
I ran to my place, packed everything I needed and googled some information about what was happening in Bombay this week, I also found some valuable info about my target’s physical appearance, routine, and other useful staff. I left my personal phone in the house and took only the work’s one; I grabbed my equipment, took my car, and made my way to the airport.
One day later I was finally there, at 11:00 in the morning, with a hell of jet lag and so sleepy that I could barely move without falling down, so what could I do? Well, I went shopping, I’ll buy some stuff for my friends and my girlfriend, I always tell them I am on a business trip, like I told you, I am a common person…
I was back in the hotel with a bag full of presents, and a letter sealed by black wax was on my bed; I went to my bed, took the letter and started reading.
Everything was clear now, an easy job for me, Esperanza Aguirre was giving a speech in the main square near my hotel, I just had to eliminate her there while she was giving her speech, so everybody could see it, I went to bed, tomorrow would be a great day and my hand could not shake at all.
I woke up early, took a fast breakfast and make my way to the square, just to check out the place and look for any advantage spot to make my shoot. I went back to my place and I took my silenced rifle, I could make an accurate shoot from miles far away. I had found a good terrace from where I could make my shoot, I headed to my spot and made myself comfortable, I had to wait till the beginning of the speech. Eventually, she was there, alone, talking some kind of junk about equality in the world… I lean my rifle on a stand, aim to his head, I had token my diazepam when I just woke up so my pulse was perfectly stable, I stopped my breathing and as soft as a caress I pulled the trigger, tchs tchs, two bullets flew through her head and the target fell over the ground lifeless, I picked my stuff, fast and I left the place looking relaxed, the job was done, my needs were satisfied and I was happy.

By the way, I forgot to tell you my name, well there is no need for that… just turn around you are my next target.
May your Smile.... Shine on
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Mi foro y yo
Mi foro y yo
Mensajes: 5484
Registrado: Mar Ene 06, 2009 8:28 am
Ubicación: VIGO

Mensaje por torete »

yo tengo muchas dudas, no se inglés!!! :wink: